Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Buildings: Part 1

It appears I need at least three buildings of varied size.  My first thought was to place an order with Grand Manner.  Their stuff is really beautiful in the pictures on the website. 

Taking a look at their prices, I realized that I might have to break up the order a bit.  Two smaller building one month, one larger building the next.  It's not that I can't order things all at once, but it keeps my hyper-acquisitive nature in check to keep my monthly figure sprees to $80 or less.

I packed a few small buildings into the virtual cart and went to check out.  Forty pounds for two small buildings was tolerable.  It was all fine until I hit the checkout.  With shipping to continental Europe, the total hit 64 pounds.  Then I modified it to ship to my American post office box.  And then it hit 72.  That put the cost of those two fist-sized building at more than $100.  Ouch.  Nice though I'm sure the buildings are, it'll be a cold day in hell before I pay $50US to have a few small chunks of resin dropped at my doorstep.

On to Plan B.  I went back and forth between lasercut MDF and finding an alternate source for resin scenery.  I wanted my buildings to look similar, so it was one or the other.  Nothing I had seen had rivaled Grand Manner's pieces, and while waffling I discovered the Norman keep by Grand Manner.  Not only was it a really cool structure, but the price was surprisingly reasonable.  I could justify it as a centerpiece.  So resin it was. 

And then I put the whole project on hold for several months.  Coming back to the project was marked by two linked discoveries. The first was that Grand Manner had purged their catalog,  including the keep. 
I also discovered Gripping Beast resin buildings.  They're well-molded with crisp detail and few bubbles.  Where they do fall down slightly is in lacking a base or a removable roof.  On the other hand, they're really reasonable priced.  The three buildings I ordered ranged in price between 5 and 10GBP, with the total for the three being only 18GBP.  The nucleus of my little village for less than 20 more than made up for having to fab the bases. 

Gripping Beast's shipping was really fast and reasonably priced.  A week after ordering, a grim-faced postal worker was dropping the box on my front steps.

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