Half a year to get a war game setup doesn't seem that difficult. Heck, it seems downright leisurely. This is not even one of those projects like 1:1 Borodino, or the entirety of Hastings on a garage floor. So why bother documenting it? What's the problem?
Part of it is just me. As a novice in all this, I've always had terrible follow-through on wargaming projects. Plenty of people do these sorts of projects all the time. Olicanalad blasts through massive projects leaving a wake of masses of beautiful figures and cool game photos. The folks on Frothers and Lead Adventure roll out amazing games by the truckload.
I'm not there yet. My start happened in the early 2000s as a recently discharged (honorably, thanks) sailor looking for a hobby while going back to school and something to bond with the younger brother over. A trip to the local mall and $200 later, we had two boxes of plastic and metal figures that would become a Space Marine army and a Tau army.
Fast forward over a decade. My wife and I live overseas and my parents are coming to visit this summer. I had heard about SAGA through the web and it seemed to have caught the imaginations of quite a few gamers, including many who didn't do a lot of historical gaming.
After mulling it over for several months, I gave it a pass. 30GBP for a thin paperback rulebook? Pricey proprietary dice that were apparently out of stock everywhere? No thanks.
As fate would have it, my wife and I were meeting my parents in Dublin Ireland that year. I knew that my father loves his Irish heritage and historical miniatures. So being a good son, I ordered up some Irish skirmishers and Brian Boru from Crusader to take to Dublin. He was thrilled and we ended up drinking beer and talking historical wargames.
I came home enthused about the game and quickly snapped off an order for a rulebook. After mulling over what it would take to start playing the game, I put the book aside and got myself into other projects for the next eight months.
That brings me to where we are now. My parents are coming to visit this summer and I've got roughly six months to get off my duff and put together an army and all the extras to get a game on.